Eva Þórdís Ebenezersdóttir

Staða: Doktorsnemi / PhD student

Fræðasvið: Félags- og mannvísindi / Social and Human Sciences

Vinnustaður: Háskóli Íslands / University of Iceland

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Skoðaðu fleira þessu tengt
30/10, 2020
Rými fyrir kvikar sögur: Ósýnilegur arfur fatlaðs fólks á söfnum • Disability and the conditions of narrative in medieval saga writing • On the Lives of Deaf and Non-Speaking People in Late Medieval Iceland • Guðmundur Bergþórsson as Creator and Creation: Examining the life, works and folkloric legacy of a skald • From life with a different body to recreated folklore of accentuated difference