Geir Gunnlaugsson

Staða: Prófessor / Professor

Fræðasvið: Félags- og mannvísindi / Social and Human Sciences

Vinnustaður: Háskóli Íslands / University of Iceland

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29/10, 2021
“They should give support to the students!”: Expressions of the Impact of School Closures among School-attending Bissau-Guinean Adolescents • Bissau Guinean Quran schoolboys begging in times of COVID-19 • Decolonising Childhood and Youth Studies: The North-South Binary • Ég held að þetta hafi gefið okkur hugrekki til að láta í okkur heyra. Um frumkvæðið Menntakerfið okkar • „Takk elsku besta blóm! Love you baby!“ Íslensk-ensk málvíxl framhaldsskólanema á samfélagsmiðlum
29/10, 2021
Cigarette smoking and usage of waterpipe among school-attending adolescents in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau • Viðhorf barnaverndarstarfsmanna til þátttöku barna í ákvarðanatöku • Tónagull po polsku — researching the impact of family music classes on the wellbeing of Polish immigrant families of young children in Iceland • The provider role and perspective in the denial of family planning services to women in Malawi • Exploring the impact of Covid-19 on Icelandic adolescents with participatory research
30/10, 2020
The becoming of the sustainable development goals: global governance, developmentality and ownership in senegal • Childhood and youth studies for all? • Child migration in Ghana: Contradiction of living rights and child rights • Denial of family planning services to women in Malawi • The experiences of Volunteers of Foreign Background in Iceland • Inequality in access of adolescents to private versus public schools in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau • "Teacher’ strikes affect all students": Expressions of inequality among Bissau-Guinean adolescents in secondary schools • Use of digital technologies among adolescents attending schools in Bissau • Narcotics engagement and criminality among school-attending adolescents in Bissau: Cross-sectional analysis • Bissau-Guinean Quran Schoolboys in Senegal: repatriation as a risky rescue
30/10, 2020
Samspil félagshegðunar og faraldsfræði í fyrstu bylgju COVID-19 • Viðhorf Íslendinga til mismunandi leiða við opnun landamæra á tímum heimsfaraldurs • Væntingar og þátttaka almennings í sóttvarnaraðgerðum • Samskipti á tímum COVID-19